New Game Magic Cookies 2 Released for iOS and Android

We are really happy to announce Magic Cookies 2, our latest game for Android and iOS. You can download the game here. Magic Cookies 2 is the sequel to the classic Magic Cookies. We hope MC2 is a lot of fun. The levels in MC2 are a bit easier than the traditional Magic Cookies, but now feature animations, a beautiful design, in-game help, and more kinds of interactive elements. ...

Haskell Game Enpuzzled Released for Android and iOS

After two years of work, thousands of commits, and over 100 releases on iTunes and Android, we are very proud to release Enpuzzled, our latest game for Android and iOS. You can download the game here. ...

#Safe2Play - Caring for privacy in an interconnected world

In the last few years, the walls of our privacy have become transparent. We are all connected and, with that, our private information has become available to any companies willing to pay for it. The sacrifice is not small, and it applies also to the mobile apps and games we all use. For example, these are the permissions required by a social networking app that millions of people have on their phones: ...

Cleaning the Big Picture - Haskell eXchange 2019 [Talk]

In October we had the great opportunity to give a talk at Haskell eXchange 2019, where we followed up on the discussion of maintaining mobiles games in Haskell. Thanks a lot to the Haskell eXchange organizers for making this possible, and we are looking forward to future editions of Haskell eXchange! Thank you also to everyone who came to the talk, to those who asked questions, during and after the session, and to those who gave feedback via the app. ...

Mobile Game Programming in Haskell - FARM 2019 [Talk]

At the end of August we were delighted to talk at FARM in Berlin about creating pure functional mobile games in Haskell. We explained the minimization of IO in our games, our compositional app/game structure, and how we can focus on creating games while not bothering about technical details like input devices, backends and platforms. ...

Maintainable mobile Haskell games - Haskell eXchange 2019 [Talk]

We are exited to announce that Christina Zeller will talk about creating maintainable mobile games in Haskell at Haskell eXchange 2019. In this talk, Christina will discuss the different techniques we use at Keera Studios to reduce the size and maintenance burden of our codebase. Cleaning makes our games simpler without eliminating features, they’re less bug-prone and easier to fix, and, generally, we get more of the benefits of declarative and functional programming in real-world mobile Haskell games and apps. At Keera, keeping our code clean is key. ...

Magic Cookies released on Google Play

We are pleased to announce that Magic Cookies! is now available on Google Play. The rules are simple: your objective is to remove all the cookies from the tray, but be careful: touching any position on the tray will toggle it, and also the one above, below, to the left and to the right. New cookies will appear where there were none, and existing cookies in those positions will disappear. Are you smart enough? ...

More Haskell games, graphic adventure engine, running on Android

We are extremely happy to announce that we now have several Haskell games working on Android, including our Graphic Adventure engine. Also, we have just begun beta-testing one of the games with real users via Google Play (aka. the Android Market). ...